Almost unlimited layout possibilities.
Sections Pro unleashes your potential.
The most common use Sections Pro stack.
Contains everything you need for most situations.
Make angled Sections with connectors.
Sections Pro with angled sections and connectors too.
Fix content within a Section stack.
Responsive fixing of anything anywhere.
Target sections animations on content. Create free form hover captions and animations.
Transparency masks for the top and bottom of Sections to create connectors and curves.
Sections Pro includes Master Layout, Background, Overlay and Borders child stacks.
Made using Sections Pro and Sections Fix
Every layer in Sections Pro can now accept images from Total CMS or Easy CMS. Blog featured images are also supported for dynamic backgrounds.
Margins, padding, heights and many more now have advanced responsive sizing with control of units for mobile and desktop
True multi-layer arrangements with backgrounds, overlays and extra layers. All can accept images, colors, gradients and CMS images.
Using the animate elements child stack you can build custom animations for any or all of the layers in a Sections Pro stack.
Add a smart visibility child stack to control your Sections via cookies. Great for hero headers to be shown only once.
The Layer child stack can use autoscaling responsive video as well as all the normal background options
New options for width proportional flex height and responsive fixed height Sections.
This is huge. Control all your Sections page or site wide via Master Styles using the new Pro Styles Stack
More features, much less code. Sections has been totally rewritten to be much more efficient than ever on your published pages.
/ Think it. Make It.